Listes de diffusion

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Le 20/02/2025 de 10h à 11h :
Heure de diffusion Interprète Titre
20/02/2025 10:00LUTHER 'GEORGIA BOY' JOHNSONThinghs That I Used To Do
20/02/2025 10:04ART TATUMGoin' Home
20/02/2025 10:07RAY CHARLESYes Indeed
20/02/2025 10:09PAT GIRAUDVirjane
20/02/2025 10:15TOPSY CHAPMANThe Christmas Blues
20/02/2025 10:20TYREE GLENNBillie's Bounce
20/02/2025 10:23ANDY KIRKWalkin' And Swingin'
20/02/2025 10:26BOBBY DIRNINGERBobby Meets Pat
20/02/2025 10:30CHARLIE SHAVERSSweet And Simple
20/02/2025 10:33JIMMY YANCEYHow Long Blues
20/02/2025 10:36COUNT BASIEMidnite Blue
20/02/2025 10:41BEN WEBSTER AND BUCK CLAYTONThat's All
20/02/2025 10:46THE BIG 18I'm Praying Humble
20/02/2025 10:49HELEN HUMESThe Sunny Side Of The Street
20/02/2025 10:53ECHOES OF SWINGWith Plenty Of Money And You
20/02/2025 10:56LOUIS ARMSTRONGStruttin' With Some Barbecue