Listes de diffusion

Choisissez votre date et votre tranche horaire :

Le 19/02/2025 de 20h à 21h :
Heure de diffusion Interprète Titre
19/02/2025 20:00COUNT BASIEHow Long Blues
19/02/2025 20:03LOUIS ARMSTRONGDarling Nelly Gray
19/02/2025 20:06ELLA FITZGERALDMacpherson Is Rehearsin'
19/02/2025 20:09MEZZ MEZZROWTommy's Blues
19/02/2025 20:17SISTER ROSETTA THARPELet's Go On
19/02/2025 20:20MARY LOU WILLIAMSTwinklin'
19/02/2025 20:23FATS WALLERViper's Drag
19/02/2025 20:26WILD BILL DAVISOn The Sunny Side Of The Street
19/02/2025 20:29MUDDY WATERSHoney Bee
19/02/2025 20:32ALBERT NICHOLASBasin Street Blues
19/02/2025 20:37ANACHRONIC JAZZ BANDLullaby Of Birdland
19/02/2025 20:44CAB CALLOWAYEvery Day's A Holiday
19/02/2025 20:47DUKE ELLINGTONFive O'clock Jump
19/02/2025 20:50NAT KING COLEStomping At The Panama
19/02/2025 20:53SLEEPY JOHN ESTESStop That Thing
19/02/2025 20:56ROSE MURPHYI Can't Give You Anything But Love