Listes de diffusion

Choisissez votre date et votre tranche horaire :

Le 21/12/2024 de 05h à 06h :
Heure de diffusion Interprète Titre
21/12/2024 05:00WYNONA CARRI Want To Go To Heaven And Rest
21/12/2024 05:02ERSKINE HAWKINSBlue Sea
21/12/2024 05:06GERARD BADINILet's Do It
21/12/2024 05:13LESTER YOUNGI Want To Be Happy
21/12/2024 05:18DUKE ELLINGTONLost In Two Flats
21/12/2024 05:20PAT GIRAUDIf I Could Be With You
21/12/2024 05:25CLEO BROWNPinetop's Boogie Woogie - Cb 35
21/12/2024 05:28JOHNNY VARROJust Squeeze Me
21/12/2024 05:33COUNT BASIEGone With "what" Wind
21/12/2024 05:35LOUIS ARMSTRONGGot No Blues
21/12/2024 05:39LITTLE ESTHERHollerin' And Screamin'
21/12/2024 05:42PETE JOHNSONMr. Drums Mets Mr. Piano
21/12/2024 05:45JOHN PRIMERForgive Not Forget
21/12/2024 05:49SWEET MAMAStrange Things Happening Everyday
21/12/2024 05:52NAT KING COLESweet Georgia Brown
21/12/2024 05:55GUILLAUME NOUAUXSwinging The Blues