Listes de diffusion

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Le 16/11/2024 de 03h à 04h :
Heure de diffusion Interprète Titre
16/11/2024 03:00EDDIE BOYDThird Degree
16/11/2024 03:03JIMMY RUSHINGPretty Little Baby
16/11/2024 03:05RAY BRYANTTeddy The Toad
16/11/2024 03:09JELLY ROLL MORTONDon't Tell Me Nothin' Bout My Man
16/11/2024 03:12CHARLIE SHAVERSI Kid You Not
16/11/2024 03:14DUKE ELLINGTONWhispering Tiger
16/11/2024 03:17WILD BILL DAVISThings Ain't What They Used To Be
16/11/2024 03:23ROOSEVELT SYKESMiss Dirty Gurty Blues
16/11/2024 03:28LOUIS ARMSTRONGI Can't Give You Anything But Love
16/11/2024 03:32CATHERINE RUSSELAged And Mellow
16/11/2024 03:36LIONEL HAMPTONOvertime
16/11/2024 03:39SIR CHARLES THOMPSONRobbins' Nest
16/11/2024 03:44BUSTER BAILEYPinetop's Boogie Woogie
16/11/2024 03:48JEAN PIERRE BERTRANDMargie
16/11/2024 03:51KIM NALLEYJump Tonight
16/11/2024 03:56COUNT BASIE9:20 Special