Listes de diffusion

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Le 14/11/2024 de 22h à 23h :
Heure de diffusion Interprète Titre
14/11/2024 22:09BUCK CLAYTONSent For You Yesterday
14/11/2024 22:16BOURBON STREETMean & Evil
14/11/2024 22:21DUKE ELLINGTONThe Blues With A Feelin'
14/11/2024 22:24ELLA FITZGERALDLittle Jazz
14/11/2024 22:29ANDRÉ PERSIANIGwendolyn
14/11/2024 22:38COUNT BASIESwingin' At The Daisy Chain
14/11/2024 22:40JO JONESLincoln Heights
14/11/2024 22:48JOHNNY DODDSGate Mouth
14/11/2024 22:51LESTER YOUNGSomebody Loves Me
14/11/2024 22:55THE BUCK CLAYTON LEGACY BANDClaytonia